Sunday, April 14, 2013

What Is it Like to Be in Their Shoes for a Day?

Pediatricians begin their day by going to the hospitals to check with nurses for updates and to look at charts to analyze his patients’ progress. Then, they head back to their office and see an average of forty patients per day. Unlike other doctors, pediatricians confer with the parents of the patients, because most are underage, about the treatment he is recommending or to let them know when they should bring the child back for a follow-up consultation.

Sixty hour or longer work weeks are common for pediatricians; therefore, they do not have much time for leisure activities. Besides, on their free time, pediatricians are often reading articles and books to stay up to date with medical and technological advances. As a result, it is not uncommon for a pediatrician to not be married or not have kids, especially a woman pediatrician.

For a more indepth job description, go to:

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