Saturday, April 6, 2013

Reality Check!

Becoming a doctor is already hard, but once you are already one, it doesn't get any easier. Pediatrics is not one of those careers you can go into thinking it'll be great moneywise, you can go on great vacations, and not have anything to worry about. The reason why pediatricians get paid well is because of how much they work. Also, if you do not absolutely love kids, or better yet, if you do not like them, please do everyone a favor and do not become a pediatrician just because your parents are telling you to or because of the money. 

Pediatricians are always on call, they have to see around 40 patients per day, they have paper work to fill out, they have to go to hospitals to check on the patients they have checked in there, they have to attend conventions, they have to deal with crazy parents, and they have to constantly be reading and studying to keep their education up to date with technological and medical advances. So if you do not absolutely believe that you are getting into this field because it is something that you want to do and because it will make you happy, please try something else. Because this job takes PASSION!

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