Sunday, April 14, 2013

Baby Steps (Part 2)

Besides grades, test scores, and student organizations, it is important to give back to the community. Medical schools love to see a student that volunteers their time consistently to a variety of causes. Do not just volunteer once or twice at each place. It is important to show commitment and determination for at least one specific cause; therefore, make sure you find a cause you are passionate about and that you are consistently volunteering. Volunteering shows medical schools that you are, for a lack of a better term, a human. That you care for other people and that you are compassionate and willing to put in the time to help.
Click here for volunteer or internship opportunities near you.

Furthermore, aside from GPA and MCAT, shadowing is the most important of the extracurricular activities you have to do as an undergraduate. Medical schools like to see as many hours of shadowing as possible, even if it interferes with how many hours you do volunteer work. This is because shadowing gives you hands-on experience in the field and it teaches you what life is really like as a pediatrician, beyond the books. On the other hand, it is also very important to shadow because it will either make it or break it for you. When you shadow, you will realize whether you absolutely love the job or if you would rather try something else.

If you would like to know what a competitive MCAT score would be for your medical school of choice, visit:

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