Sunday, April 14, 2013

Random Statistics

  •  In 2004, pediatricians earned an average of $175,000 before taxes.
  • Most pediatricians are over thirty years old because of the long years of education (usually 11 years).
  • Not many pediatricians are over the age of sixty, since they can comfortably retire by then.
  • In 2006, the proportion of women and men in both applications and entrants [to medical school] was about 56% women and 44% men. Why do you think that is? As a result, there are now more women doctors than men.
  • Only 43% of applicants get admitted into medical school.
  • 60 hour or longer work weeks are common for doctors.
  • The average tuition and fees for 2009 entering students at a state medical school was around $40,000.
  • At least 90% of allopathic medical students graduate with debt-owing an average of more than $142,000.

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